15 June 2010
Taxes = evil
23 February 2010
Across the Pacific and back... and somehow married along the way...
[from here]:The animal symbolism of the goose hasn't got its full honor. Too often in myth and lore we see the goose representing silly attitudes or lazy dispositions.
On the contrary, the symbolism of the goose is quite inspiring.
When we consider the goose never leaves one of its own kind behind, we begin to see the goose in a different light. Just like the US Marines, "Semper Fidelis" (always faithful) is the motto of the goose too.
Geese annually migrate to warmer climates during the winter. Should a goose become injured during this trek, another goose will leave the migrating flock to stay with its fallen comrade. The goose will stay with the injured until he has recovered or until its final breath. Nothing silly about that.
Indeed, this kind of valor puts the symbolism of the goose in a far different light. Here are some attributes of the goose:
- Communication
- Determination
- Fellowship
- Teamwork
- Confidence
- Protection
- Bravery
- Loyalty
Geese are incredibly gifted navigators and instinctively know the way across the long haul to warmer climates. They forge ahead with confidence and bravery.
Further, geese have intricate methods of communication - not only do they sense when their brethren are in trouble, they also work as a team to communicate warnings, as well as messages of prime landing sites.Geese are also fiercely protective of their young - often presenting an impressive thrashing display to would-be predators. These scare tactics often work to protect goslings from attack.
Those who have the goose as their animal totem need not worry if they are silly or lazy. This is far from the truth. In actuality, those who are kind, loyal, and brave-hearted attract geese as their totem. Those with the goose totem are the clear communicators, true-blue defenders and compassionate keepers of the community.
Lessons we all can learn from our totem geese include:
- Remember your roots - don't forget the people who helped you along the way
- Follow your gut - rely on intuition and instinct in order to get where you need to be
- Communicate your needs to others - no one can help you if you don't speak out
- Protect that which is most valuable, but make sure you have your priorities straight (meaning, be sure you're protecting that which is worth protecting)
Goose: Celtic Symbolism
Goose, Gèadh, symbolizes parenthood, productive power and vigilance. Geese are excellent “watch dogs” and highly protective of their territory. Goose brings creative and constructive power to people and shows it’s possible to be both grounded and spiritual in daily lives. She also represents wisdom, new beginnings, happiness, inspiration, communication, protection, bravery, loyalty, practicality, determination, fellowship, teamwork and confidence.
Goose: AmerIndian Symbolism
Keywords are the call of the quest and the trek to legendary places. Cycles of power are autumn, the full moon and the winter solstice. Goose symbolizes fertility and fidelity. Goose represents the Sacred Circle, its life cycles, and family. She teaches people respect for tradition and authority and how to break free from ruts and soar into new patterns.
Goose: Other Symbolism, Superstition and Lore
- Ancient Greeks saw her as Hera’s emblem, a representation of love and being a good wife.
- She was a messenger of good news and symbolic of inspiration, light and marital happiness to the Japanese and Chinese.