15 June 2010

Taxes = evil

Hey all. Just a quick note to show that we're still alive and kicking. Summer's closing in, and it's getting unbearably hot and humid - we cope by living next to the fan and amusing ourselves with Chester, the lovable hamster.

Meanwhile, taxes are evil. As we live abroad, we were allowed a 2-month extension on our filing, which ends tomorrow. Hence, the mad scramble to try and actually finish the looming behemoth that is accountant-speak.

So a quick link to the site we used for filing taxes online:
Olt.com has apparently died (which we used last year), so we found freefilefillableforms.com, which just saved us a massive headache, instead giving us only the slightest of migraines.

Quote of the day: "Taxes make my brain vomit." - Jessie

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