11 January 2010

Updates on the job search

We were informed today that our school will be closing on Friday, so that will be our last working day. They'll move the school to Pangyo in February, but it'd be after our 8 weeks' notice so this is officially our last week of work at Little River Day School. Shockingly soon, and I would have liked a little more warning since I had to turn down an incredibly good job offer because I thought I would be working here until the end of January... but, c'est la vie. I'm going to refrain from speculating about the possible reasons for the early closing because Korea's slander/libel laws seem to have been inherited from their northern neighbors and very much skewed in favor of companies.

We're looking for suitable positions, mainly focusing on public schools in Seoul and Western/Southern Gyeonggi-do. Luckily, we're already renting an apartment (that is not provided by the school) with our Canadian co-worker who was also released early from her 8 weeks' notice, so we won't be homeless this weekend (good planning? Yes, I think so). I'm daydreaming of ideal situations... We find amazing jobs that want us in mid-late February and we actually get paid from the 2 weeks of work at LRDS in January, so we run off to Southeast Asia for 2 weeks... Yes, I can smell the fresh pineapple juice and delectable curries now.

On that note, I think it's time to eat dinner. Be well everyone and be safe. More updates will come as they happen (or, you know, a month or two afterwards).


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