09 October 2008


For anyone who was not aware, we're no longer in Korea. We finished  our contracts and returned to California to spend a few months with our families. Korea was.... wonderful in many many ways. Terrible in some, but that was, in general, the exception. We're now using our salary from the past year to travel: first five weeks in the US with Amtrak (see schedule on the right-hand side of this site) and then five months in Latin America.

I'm frantically trying to update photos before I get bogged down by new ones from our trip, but it's a bit slow. The best link for photos is http://scerenity.smugmug.com, though I will try to update a bit to facebook as well, for those of you who use it.

Right now we're waiting for a freight train to pass on our way up to Portland. Normally, we're annoyed by the delays, but it isn't so bad when the train stops near a wireless connection (thank you random house).

Further updates forthcoming.


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