Taking advantage of the long weekend before starting our new jobs on Wednesday, we decided to explore Seoul a bit with Mark. We looked on a huge map, saw two palaces and a large green park-ish looking area near the Anguk station, and decided to go there. It took about 20 minutes to get from Mark's apartment to the Anguk station, but as soon as we got off the metro, Mark realized that he'd left his backpack on the train. Oops. As the train had already departed again, we went to an information booth and tried to explain the situation. Utilizing a great deal of creative sign language, we got our point across and he told us to go to the Station Office, pointing behind us. Looking in the direction that he was pointing we saw (A) a huge flight of stairs going up and (B) a large corridor and some turnstiles on the same floor as ours. We started walking towards the stairs, looking confused, and an older man who had over heard our linguistically-challenged "conversation" with the booth attendant tried to explain how to get to the station office. We understood stairs, left, and walking from the ordeal, and made our way for the stairs. Halfway up, a younger man chased us down, and tried to explain that we were going the wrong way. We were confused, so instead of giving up, he motioned for us to come with him, and led us back down the stairs, down the corridor, and to the turnstiles.
On the other side of the turnstiles was a small room and he pointed to it, saying "Station Office". We were ready to use our metro cards to get us through the turnstiles again (as we'd already left the train area). However, the Very Helpful Man motioned for us to wait, and ran over to the information booth. He came back with a temporary ticket to get himself through the turnstile, went through, and went into the Station Office. After a moment in which we all stood shocked at the trouble he was going through for a few idiotic foreigners who'd left a bag on a subway train, he emerged with a station attendant, who used special tickets to allow us through the turnstiles as well. He led us to the Station Office and the Very Helpful Man waved as we showered him with many thanks (in English and Korean), and he made his way off to continue his day.
In the Station Office, we tried again to explain our situation to the station attendant, who spoke no English, and he called someone, presumably another station worker who did speak English, and Mark told her over the phone what had happened, providing the subway line, the direction, and a description of his backpack. The station attendant then told Jay and I to wait in the office while he and Mark went back down to the train area so that Mark could point out the spot where the car we'd been in had stopped. So we waited, rereading our schedules for the coming week, and amusing ourselves by watching the security cameras keeping tabs on various locations within the station. We saw Mark and the station attendant go down an escalator in Camera Four, and then bypass a turnstile in Camera Three. We counted the Koreans who escaped payments by ducking under the turnstiles in Cameras Three and Six, and then watched Mark and the station attendant return through Camera Five. It was very exciting, let me tell you. Mark came in and sat with us while the station attendant talked some more on the phone, and to our great surprise, Very Helpful Man showed up on Camera Three, entering the turnstile, and then going up the escalator in Camera Five. A moment later he'd re-entered the Station Office and talked with the attendant before leaving again. Apparently he'd come back to check on how things were going before (as we saw in the Cameras) going back down the escalator, through the turnstile, and boarding a train.
In the end, they found Mark's backpack about an hour later, at the end station of line 3, Suseo. We therefore boarded the train for the 40-minute ride to Suseo, obtained the backpack, and returned to Anguk after a short meal in Suseo. The point of this story? How kind and helpful the Koreans can be to foreigners.
...and don't leave your backpack on the frickin' train.
By the time we got back to Anguk, it was nearly 5 in the evening. We made our way to the first palace, only to discover that it was closed on Mondays (but the outside looked quite nice) and then proceeded to make our way around the perimeter of the park, as the whole thing was enclosed in a huge wall and the entrance was far away. When we finally reached the entrance, it was about to close and we were no longer allowed to enter. So basically, we spent the entire day in Seoul learning the intricacies of the Subway system. We'll have to return later for a trip to the park, and when we do, we'll keep our backpacks in our laps.
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