31 July 2006

Berkeley, California

Oh my god I'm home.

And jetlagged, after 3 legs of sleepless, stressful flights.

more on this tomorrow.
Californian air is the best thing ever.


Anonymous said...

So, I am officially very jealous. And I'm glad you made it home safely, and hope you're enjoying yourself thoroughly!
Also, I am still liking the Catherine biography - thank you!

Anonymous said...

I'm quite happy you're back, personally. Healthy. Hope the hiking went well, and I shall call you Sunday evening upon your return. Squiggles.

This is Jay by the by. My account is for some reason not being found.
Our house is currently home to quite a large potluck event, accomodating about 30 people, all a little buzzed and full of good food, watching a very long, very dry, becoming boring slideshow from my dad. Dude; 4 seconds per slide. C'mon. Then I'm off to watch Robin Williams (the only R.Williams worthy of existence) live on HBO video over at a place Michael is housesitting.
Toodles and love,

Hi Susan!