28 March 2006

Mérida, Spain

I'll admit right now: I didn't really read much about Mérida before arriving, so I was more than a bit surprised to see a statue of Romulus and Remus feeding from the mother she-wolf on our way into town.

Mérida, part of the old Roman Empire, it seems, holds many ruins from this time - a Roman amphitheater and famous temples. There are also various comfortable plazas, with fountains and benches to relax at.

Our hotel was gorgeous - it reminded me of the hotel my family stayed at in Guadalajara, Mexico -- they both had colorful, open-air tiled patios in the center. This one served gazpacho too. (Finally, a taste of the real thing! Still though, I prefer my dad's version - the hotel put sausage on top of the soup.)

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