15 June 2006

Wir visit Wien

Or Vienna, for those who were confused.

Last weekend the German program up and bussed us all out to Vienna, Austria for a 4-day weekend. The weather was very sunny and hot, and the itenerary was full. On our way there we stopped by Kloster Melk for a tour of the gorgeous, if ridiculously extravagent, Monastery. After arriving in Vienna we went out to dinner at a traditional Austrian restaurant (Read: Wienerschnitzel and Olives) that, rather surprisingly, served wine instead of beer (woo-hoo!).

On Friday morning, we took a tour of the old part of the city, with a very colorful and exuberant Austrian as our guide. We then had a break for lunch before going to see the Hundertwasserhaus, a very interesting building, though it was so touristy that it was hard to explore without bumping into people.

The next day, we had a free morning, so Jay and I went to the Naschmarkt (a sort of farmer's market crossed with a flea market) and walked around until we were lulled in by the book stores, cd store, and comic book store near our hotel. Our whole program then took a (not particularly intriguing, but very long) tour of some of the museums before returning to the hostel to rest and pretty ourselves up for an evening at the Viennese Opera.

On Sunday, we left early for our return trip to Munich, stopping at Schloß Schönbrunn for a bit, which turned out to be a pitstop only, as it was raining and we all wanted to go home before we hit traffic.

I'd have to say, I don't think Vienna's strictly as pretty as many other European cities (Paris, Venice, Munich...), but the extreme friendliness of the people makes up for it. Were I ever to live in a German-speaking city again, Vienna would definitely be my first choice.

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