31 August 2011


Hey everyone! Jay here. It's been a while ~ just wanted to let you know about some recent updates around here.

We got a squat rack!

It's technically called a "half-rack pro" - we ordered it from here: http://itempage.auction.co.kr/DetailView.aspx?itemno=A527664473&frm=itempage. Jessie's awesome Korean abilities enabled us to get it with minimal trouble. Came in two large boxes, assembly required - but pretty danged easy.
I'm super excited about it - I've been working out with just my flat bench for about 3 months now & it's been getting more and more difficult to do any compound movements, especially with a barbell. All my squats, deadlifts, power cleans, etc will now be a lot more productive because 1) I can stack more weight, and 2) in case of emergency, I have spotter rails.

Also! I can do chin / pull - ups...


...and various other nifty little moves.
(bench press, high pull, rack pull, ISO w band, tricep w band, cable pushdowns (1 side), calf raises, barbell curl, barbell shrug, etc)

Yay for working out at home, and blech to commercial gyms - especially since [a] the local one is also visited by Jessie's students and [b] every time she does a pull up in a public gym, the entire clientele gasps and ceases their movements to collectively awe. Upper body strength = not exactly a feminine trait here.
And [c], the male locker rooms are.... different. I hear stories of the men spitting in the communal showers (while not wearing any footwear), blow-drying genita

ls with the public hair dryer, and even combing their pubes with the shared combs. And then putting them back.

In other news, Jessie and I are taking the month of September to do an experiment: no meat. Jessie's going all out and saying no animal products whatsoever, I'm saying no to chicken, steak, pork, cow milk, and maybe fish. Still want my eggs, though.
We're gonna see how this goes.
With that, my goal of building muscle just got 100% harder, but I think I can find my protein sources elsewhere. We've just discovered iherb.com, vegeland.com, & vegefood.co.kr, and we've placed our first order today. Hopefully the stuff's edible :)
We've been packing & bringing our own lunches to work to avoid the plethora of bland white rice (aka pure starch of doom), and I got a nifty little lunchbag to celebrate.

In other news, I got a new principal at my school. Yay for school dinners aka "team bonding experience"
That's it for now. Hopefully we can stay motivated enough throughout the month to keep at it.
Love to all!

-Jay & Jessie

06 August 2011

Still Here :-)

Holy cow, it's been a while. Soooo, yeah! I'm now halfway through my second year at the same school that I worked at last year, and Jay's working at a public school in Paju. We have been busy and I just now got around to updating photos. We now have uploaded our pictures from (a) Ilsan and around Korea and (b) our vacation to Malaysia and Singapore, which we returned from about a week ago.

As for our vacation, the food was excellent, the weather was fantastic (not rainy, and not even too humid) and I took way too many photos.  I hope to give more detailed descriptions of our trip, but it took forever just to sift through the photos to decide which ones to put online... So go check them out :-) You can either click the link for "photos" at the top of the page, or, if you're on Facebook, just go to my profile to see the most recent pictures.

More to come soon (I hope)
