...of one of the greatest animals that ever lived. Taz (short for Tazmanian Devil, but more commonly known as "Shithead"), our beloved cat, passed away on May 1st. He was prowling the streets of his kingdom - anything and everything he saw of course belonged to him - at night and ran in front of a speeding car. From what we are told, he died quickly and without suffering.
You could love him or you could hate him, but you certainly would never be able to ignore Taz. He confidently, loudly, and rather pompously announced his presence whenever he came home. He fought mice and squirrels and very large dogs without fear. He swatted at the family greyhound and various family members for fun. He fought valiantly to protect me from my knitting needles. He was fearless and infuriating and an amazing, wonderful creature. We just wish that sometimes he weren't so damn fearless.
To help relieve the sorrow of Taz' bereaved family, I am posting some images of the demon cat. We will all miss him deeply.
As a kitten, he rarely sat still. Instead, he spent all his time conquering everything he encountered - pajamas, chairs, shoelaces, blankets, cameras...
Later on, he discovered dog beds, grass, flowers, and the great outdoors.
These are the most recent photos, plus an insight into his more recent interest in squirrels.
And lastly, a video of Jules playing with Taz a few months after we got him. The video quality is not so great, but it's all I could find.